Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Good Night, Beloved Pet

To my dear friend, my cat 
You came into my life what seems to be yesterday 
You won me over with your feline characteristics 
You jumped out of a 2nd-story window 
You escaped every chance you got 
You sat out on the ledge of a 3rd-floor balcony 
cackling at the birds 

You slept in the sink 
You sat on my lap when I sat on the toilet 
You sat at the edge of the bathtub when I was in the shower 
You sat on the sink 
putting your paw up 
preventing me from brushing my teeth 
or putting on make up 

You laid at my feet 
You laid on my laptop 
You laid on my clean clothes 
You laid on anything that seemed to be important at the time 
And when we asked you “Why?” 
You looked up with glazed eyes 
and gave out a tiny 
as a response 

You taught Gidget your ways 
You looked out for her 
You bullied her 
Like a big sister would 
She looks for you sometimes 
Thinking you’ll pop out and chase her down the hallway 
She misses you 
And so do I 

You were my first pet that I called my own 
We’ve been through a lot together 
Different apartments 
Different people 
Different pets of other people 
The one constant was you and me 
You made my life better 
I hope you know you were loved 
by everyone that met you 

Good night Nellie 
My Beloved Pet

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